Vivek Vyas

Assistant Professor, (Science, Math, & Humanities)

Academic Qualifications

PhD (Theoretical Physics): Indian Institute of Science Education & Research Kolkata


Block - 9, GEC,
Sector - 28, Gandhinagar - 382028
Email: vivek.vyas [dot] roy [at] iiitvadodara [dot] ac [dot] in

Aspects of Classical and Quantum Field Theory
Quantum Computing
Geometric Phases

Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Information Technology Vadodara

  • Vivek M Vyas, Generalised Geometric Phase, arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.10929, Journal , 2023
  • Vivek M Vyas, Dibyendu Roy, A Gauge-Invariant Geometric Phase for Electrons in a One-Dimensional Periodic Lattice, Applied Mathematics Scientific Research Publishing , Journal 14 | 82-106, 2023
  • Vivek M Vyas, Response to the comment on “Do Bloch waves interfere with one another?”, Physics Letters A North-Holland , Journal 457 | 128579, 2023
  • Vivek M Vyas, Prasanta K Panigrahi, Graphene as a perfect conductor, Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials, Journal 10 | 2240006, 2022
  • Vivek M Vyas, Dibyendu Roy, Topological aspects of periodically driven non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, Physical Review B American Physical Society, Journal 103 | 75441, 2021
  • Vivek M Vyas, Do Bloch waves interfere with one another?, Physics Letters A, Journal 417 | 127699, 2021
  • Mithilesh K Parit, Vivek M Vyas, Prasanta K Panigrahi, Dynamical phase transition of photon condensate in an optical cavity, JOSA B Optica Publishing Group , Journal 38 | 476-481, 2021
  • Vivek M Vyas, V Srinivasan, Prasanta K Panigrahi, Some results on topological currents in field theory, International Journal of Modern Physics A World Scientific Publishing Company , Journal 34 | 1950096, 2019
  • Vivek M Vyas, Dibyendu Roy, Joseph Samuel, Pancharatnam-Zak phase, arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.00818, Journal , 2019
  • Vivek M Vyas, Airy wavepackets are Perelomov coherent states, American Journal of Physics American Association of Physics Teachers , Journal 86 | 750-754, 2018
  • Sohail Dasgupta, Vivek M Vyas, Prasanta K Panigrahi, Density wave ground state and fractional fermions in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructure, arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.04447, Journal , 2018
  • Vivek M Vyas, Prasanta K Panigrahi, Photon mass via current confinement, Physics Letters B, Journal 771 | 588-592, 2017
  • Kumar Abhinav, B Chandrasekhar, Vivek M Vyas, Prasanta K Panigrahi, Heisenberg symmetry and collective modes of one dimensional unitary correlated fermions, Physics Letters A, Journal 381 | 457-461, 2017
  • Vivek M Vyas, V Srinivasan, A gauge theory of massive spin one particles, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Journal 55 | 2610-2620, 2016
  • Vivek M Vyas, Prasanta K Panigrahi, V Srinivasan, Light-matter interaction and bose-einstein condensation of light, arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.08280, Journal , 2016
  • Aritra K Mukhopadhyay, Vivek M Vyas, Prasanta K Panigrahi, Rogue waves and breathers in Heisenberg spin chain, The European Physical Journal B Springer Berlin Heidelberg , Journal 88 | 1-5, 2015
  • Rama Gupta, CN Kumar, Vivek M Vyas, Prasanta K Panigrahi, Manipulating rogue wave triplet in optical waveguides through tapering, Physics Letters A, Journal 379 | 314-318, 2015
  • Kumar Abhinav, Vivek M Vyas, Prasanta K Panigrahi, Solitons and spin transport in graphene boundary, Pramana Springer India , Journal 85 | 1023-1032, 2015
  • A Saini, VM Vyas, Thokala Soloman Raju, SN Pandey, Prasanta K Panigrahi, Super and subluminal propagation in nonlinear Schrödinger equation model with self-steepening and self-frequency shift, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials World Scientific Publishing Company , Journal 24 | 1550033, 2015
  • PS Vinayagam, R Radha, Vivek M Vyas, K Porsezian, Generalized gauge transformation approach to construct dark solitons of coupled nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) type equations, Romanian Reports in Physics, Journal 67 | 737-751, 2015
  • Vivek M Vyas, Quantum theory of nonlocal nonlinear Schrodinger equation, arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.03997, Journal , 2015
  • Vivek M Vyas, Prasanta K Panigrahi, J Banerji, A scheme to observe universal breathing mode and Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless phase transition in a two-dimensional photon gas, Physics Letters A, Journal 378 | 1434-1437, 2014
  • Vivek M Vyas, Rama Gupta, CN Kumar, Prasanta K Panigrahi, A method to solve nonlinear Schr\" odinger equation using Riccati equation, arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.3456, Journal , 2014
  • Vivek M Vyas, Electromagnetic response of two low dimensional systems: Graphene and Optical Fibre, Indian Institute of Science Education & Research Kolkata, Journal , 2012
  • Vivek M Vyas, Sandeep Gautam, Prasanta K Panigrahi, On Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition in quasi-one dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate, arXiv preprint arXiv:1106.0402, Journal , 2011
  • Vivek M Vyas, T Soloman Raju, T Shreecharan, CLASSICAL SOLUTIONS TO YANG–MILLS–CHERN–SIMONS FIELD COUPLED TO AN EXTERNAL SOURCE, Modern Physics Letters A World Scientific Publishing Company , Journal 26 | 2357-2364, 2011
  • Anshul Saini, Vivek M Vyas, SN Pandey, T Solomon Raju, Prasanta K Panigrahi, Travelling wave solutions to nonlinear Schrodinger equation with self-steepening and self-frequency shift, arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.2788, Journal , 2009
  • Vivek M Vyas, T Solomon Raju, SN Pandey, Prasanta K Panigrahi, Travelling wave solutions to nonlinear Schrödinger equation with self-steepening and self-frequency shift, arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.2788, Journal , 2009
  • Prasanta K Panigrahi, Vivek M Vyas, T Shreecharan, Possible Realization of non-BCS type Superconductivity in Graphene, arXiv preprint arXiv:0901.1034, Journal , 2009
  • Vivek M Vyas, Pankaj Patel, Prasanta K Panigrahi, Choragudi Nagaraja Kumar, W Greiner, Chirped chiral solitons in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with self-steepening and self-frequency shift, American Physical Society, Journal 78 | 21803, 2008
  • Vivek M Vyas, T Soloman Raju, C Nagaraja Kumar, Prasanta K Panigrahi, Soliton solutions of driven nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General IOP Publishing , Journal 39 | 9151, 2006
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